ADJ | Adjectival Participle |
INF. | Infinitive |
3pn + dat. | Verb is marked for third person; semantic subject is in dative case |
s.o. | someone |
o.s. | oneself |
s.t. | something |
esp. | especially |
usu. | usually |
(inf.) | informal |
(metaph.) | metaphorical |
(fig.) | figurative |
AVP | Adverbial Participle |
tr | transitive verb |
irreg. | iregular form |
def. | defective form |
intr | intransitive verb |
HS99 (number) | Cf. Schiffman 1999, section indicated |
From the preface pages by the authors:
This dictionary was undertaken because of a number of needs that were not being met by existing or previously-extant English-Tamil dictionaries. The main goal of this dictionary is to get an English-knowing user to a Tamil verb, irrespective of whether he or she begins with an English verb or some other item, such as an adjective; this is because what may be a verb in Tamil may in fact not be a verb in English, and vice versa. The web and DVD versions of this dictionary are searchable, so that if a particular English verb the user wants a Tamil equivalent for is not one of the main entries, inputting the search item should take the user to the English synonym file, which will give the user the Tamil verb. For example, we do not have a main entry for ‘pounce’, but this item does appear as a synonym for ‘jump, leap’, and some other verbs, so searching for ‘pounce’ will get the user to a Tamil verb. Our original conception was therefore to specifically concentrate on supplying the kinds of information lacking in all previous attempts at capturing the equivalencies between English and Tamil. In particular we have focused on the following problematical areas:
The reasons for the above deficiencies have to do with the goal of such previous dictionaries. Most have been conceived as being primarily for the use of speakers of Tamil who wished to know or use English effectively, rather than the opposite. Tamil speakers of course already know intuitively (though not explicitly) the verb class and transitivity status of Tamil verbs, and how to use them in sentences. They also know spoken Tamil usage by virtue of having learned it as a first language, and do not need to be taught anything about it. They also use English primarily in its written form, with the result that modern British or American colloquial usage receives short shrift. This dictionary attempts to correct these shortcomings by providing verb-class and transitivity status for all Tamil entries, by giving examples of Tamil usage and their English equivalents in sentence-frames, and by providing spoken pronunciation and examples whenever a Literary Tamil form has a spoken equivalent. Sometimes these are not at all historically cognate—when a Tamil verb like கூறு II tr. is rendered in spoken Tamil, it must be replaced by சொல்லு III tr. sollu, since no Tamil speaker would ever produce a spoken equivalent of கூறு *kuuru in his or her colloquial speech. As for English equivalents and translations of example sentences, we have tried to stay close to modern colloquial North American usage, which means that certain rare or archaic verbs that would be found in an English dictionary, such as ‘malt’ or ‘smite’ will not appear. We also give ‘informal’ equivalents as synonyms in some cases, and these are marked as ‘inf.’—such forms as ‘be blown away’ or ‘diss’ that may not even appear in English dictionaries yet. This also means that the English translation of the example sentences may not be a ‘word-for-word’ or literal translation of the Tamil, but rather a colloquial equivalent that captures the overall meaning.
Read all the introductory chapters here.