weaveஇழைiḻai(eḻe)(6b tr)plait, braid; twist together; interweave or combine elements into a whole; (fig.) interject or work in an element of s.t.; combine, bring together
அவள் இலைகளை அழகாக இழைத்தாள்avaḷ ilaikaḷai aḻakāka iḻaittāḷ
ava eleye aḻahaa eḻeccaa
She wove the leaves together beautifully.
நெய்ney(neyyi)(2b tr)make cloth by interlacing threads or strands of fabric, such as wool, linen or cotton, on a loom
துணி நெய்வதுதான் எங்கள் பரம்பரைத் தொழில்tuṇi neyvatutāṉ eṅkaḷ paramparait toḻil
tuṇi neyradudaan enga parambare toḻil
Weaving cloth is our family business.