observeகவனிkavaṉi(gavani)(6b tr)watch; scrutinize carefully; keep an eye on; pay attention to and listen; perform an observation of; scrutinize
ஆசிரியர் சொல்வதை ஒழுங்காகக் கவனிāciriyar colvatai oḻuṅkākak kavaṉi
vaaddiyaar solvade oḻungaa gavani
Observe carefully what the teacher is saying.
கொண்டாடுkoṇṭāṭu(koṇḍaaḍu)(3 tr)celebrate or solemnize, as a birthday, a festival, an anniversary, etc.; be religiously observant; honor, as religious holidays, a vow of silence, etc.; obey or follow, as rules, law, etc.
அவன் எந்தப் பண்டிகையையும் கொண்டாடுவதில்லைavaṉ entap paṇṭikaiyaiyum koṇṭāṭuvatillai
avan enda paṇḍuheyeyum koṇḍaaḍradillee
He doesn't observe any religious holidays.