nag தொணதொண toṇatoṇa (toṇatoṇa) (6b intr) bug, needle; persist with nagging questions; bore s.o. to death with demands etc.; drive s.o. to distraction; attempt persistently to persuade; (inf.) bitch at
அவன் மனைவி பணம் கொடுக்குமாறு அவனை எப்பொழுதும் தொணதொணக்கிறாள் avaṉ maṉaivi paṇam koṭukkumāṟu avaṉai eppoḻutum toṇatoṇakkiṟāḷ avan manevi avane paṇam kuḍuṇṇu eppoodum toṇa toṇatoṇakkiraa His wife always nags him and pesters him for money.