bogged down, be முழுகிப்போ muḻukippō (muḻuhi poo) (3b intr) (fig.) be stuck in s.t. and unable to get out; be overburdened, swamped with work or difficulties etc.; come to a halt, as progress, negotiations; get hung up in the mire of detail
அவள் தாங்கமுடியாத வேலையில் முழுகிப் போனாள் avaḷ tāṅkamuṭiyāta vēlaiyil muḻukip pōṉāḷ ava taangamuḍiyaada veeleyle muḻuhi poonaa She was bogged down with unbearable amounts of work.
தடைபடு (4 intr) (taḍepaḍu)